McCutchanville Cemetery
Association, Inc.
On Kansas Road in McCutchanville, Indiana
Not a part of McCutchanville Church
Physical Address:
9501-9521 Erskine Ln, Evansville, IN 47725

Mailing Address:
McCutchanville Cemetery Association
% Kurt Georgesen, Secretary
10224 Browing Road
Evansville, IN 47725
Yearly meeting is held
the second Monday of February.
7:00 pm at McCutchanville
Methodist Church
President Allen France Phone 812-453-1496
Secretary/Treasurer Kurt Georgesen Phone 812-867-5675
Memorial Day Observance
11:45 am Sunday
proceeding Memorial Day
Moffett Addition (South Cemetery)
East Cemetery - Oldest - No map available
2024 Minutes of annual Meeting pg1
2024 Minutes of annual Meeting pg2
Internment Costs and Other Requirements through year 2023
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